How appropriate that at the start of the school year we’re given these readings to reflect on. The message we hear in all three readings is simple: Ephphatha! That is: Be opened! Be open to the goodness and graciousness of our God.
There is always a time of excitement as a new school year begins: so many possibilities! Whether as a teacher or a principal, the first days of school always fill me with excitement, joy and, let’s be honest, some apprehension, too. There is a little anxiety about these days because of unknowns that lie around the corner. And if not that, then just a little sadness as the carefree days of summer end and the harder work of the school year begins. But this is a good time to remember what Isaiah said to those who were frightened: “Be strong, fear not!” (Isaiah 35:4). Isaiah emphasizes God’s healing might. Let us be open to that healing power and goodness. Let us put every day under the umbrella of God and begin each day with five minutes alone with God. While it may seem counterintuitive to some to take time to stop and pray, especially in the midst of rushing in the morning, I find that setting the day under God’s blessing makes me more efficient as well as more confident.
There is something powerful about praying to God and allowing ourselves to be open to His goodness. Stillness in our hearts and minds is a benefit of reflecting on God’s goodness. It doesn’t cost a thing nor require great skill. But it does require a willingness to redirect our thoughts and empty ourselves of worry and doubt. It’s hard to do this with sheer willpower, but reflecting on God’s goodness is a great place to start. This leads us to be thankful, which promotes an eternal perspective.
As the new school year begins and we open our hearts to the goodness of God, we can also ask ourselves how we can share His goodness with others in our community. Is there a ministry within our community where we might serve? Serving allows us to experience God’s presence in new ways.
God doesn’t just want to work through us, He wants to work in us, and for us to be open to His goodness and restoration. Let’s all try to be good students as the new school year begins, and be open to the new learnings God has ahead for us.
--Kristen Jost, St. Matthew School Principal
Send Us Forth are reflections written by St. Matthew parishioners and friends.