Godparents are tasked with helping the newly baptized on the road of the Christian life. They bear responsibility for developing and safeguarding the grace given in Baptism. (CCC 1255)
Parents, when considering who to be the godparent of your child, ask yourself: Who will help my child on the path to holiness to become a saint?
A godparent fulfills a very special spiritual role in your child's life. For this reason, the Church holds the following requirements for godparents (according to the Code of Canon Law 872-874):
Godparent Declaration of Eligibility (English, Spanish)
The declaration is to be filled out in the presence of a priest, religious, or lay parish staff member of a parish. A witness signature is required.
Godparents participate in the 2-hour preparation for baptism along with parents. Godparents need to sign the Godparent Declaration of Eligibility in the presence of a parish staff member or clergy. Please submit with registration.
Godparents may be prepared for the sacrament at their home parish, in which case please send us verification of that preparation. Godparents need to sign the Godparent Declaration of Eligibility in the presence of a parish staff member or clergy. Please submit with registration.
If you will be a godparent at another parish and need preparation for the sacrament through our parish, please fill out a Godparent Registration Form. Submit to Maria Wanner to sign up for preparation.
Godparent Registration Form (English, Spanish)