Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion for the Homebound
Besides priests and deacons, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion may bring Communion, provided they are authorized to do so by the priest of the parish. The Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion may be called forward after the Communion Rite at Mass, receive the pyx containing host (s), and be sent from the church or chapel with a blessing or go to the tabernacle after Mass, put the host (s) in the pyx and depart. The Extraordinary Minister will then proceed directly from the church or chapel to where Communion will be distributed.
Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist for the Homebound
Members of the Homebound Ministry are Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion who take Holy Communion to the ill and aged who can no longer participate in Mass at church. We see members of our parish in their homes, care centers, hospitals, and nursing homes
Helps to take the Most Holy Eucharist to the sick at their places of residence.