During the Lenten season, this is the time when temptation seems to challenge us the most, interrupting our time of self-sacrifice as we seek a deeper relationship with God. To make matters worse, we all are constantly bombarded with temptations while living in this secular world. How do we fend off all this temptation? We can find the answer by unpacking and comparing both the first reading from the book of Genesis (Gen 2:7-9; 3:1-7) and the Gospel reading from Matthew (Matt 4:1-11). In both readings, the tempter, Satan, uses the same three weapons (unbelief, presumption, and worldliness) in an attempt to trick both Adam/Eve and Jesus to act contrary to God the Father’s wishes. We notice Adam and Eve give into the temptation and sin against God, but Jesus resists even though His human flesh was so weakened by the extended fasting in the desert. How did Jesus manage to fend off Satan’s powerful temptations? He rebuked Satan, citing Old Testament Scripture (GOD’S WORD) from His heart. Willpower does not work. GOD’S WORD is the sword of the spirit. In his letter to the Ephesians (Eph 6:10-17), Paul states in his message of putting on the armor of God to fight off evil that, “And take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the WORD OF GOD.” All it takes is an ongoing habit of reading and reflecting on GOD’S WORD from the Bible with the help of the Spirit to move it deep within our hearts. Like Psalm 119:11 states “I have laid up thy word in my heart, that I might not sin against thee.” It really works!
--Chris Rischmiller
Send Us Forth are reflections written by St. Matthew parishioners and friends.